The horrors of delirium tremens
Preface although the papers of the day frequently contain
startling accounts of one after another who fall victims
to that diseasèj which is denominated delirium tremens,
yet, it is not understood by the public, for there
has been no one who has himself suffered so far as to
be able to give a full description ofthis terrible scourge
—who has published a statement of facts showing the
true causes of that unparalleled suffering which the man
endures, who has what is callee^ the delirium tremens.
the writer of the following pages, at least, has no
knowledge of any such.publication, and has often found
that those with whom he has conversed on the subject,
were entirely ignorant respecting the influences
which produce that state of mind in which so many
are destroyed. it is well known to physicians, and all
othérs who have aoen persons that were aflíñicted with
delirium tremens, that the sufferers themselves almost
invariable complain of being tormented by
devils, and declare that they can both see and hear...