Diary of a physician
Introductory chapter - the following narrative was written with no viöw to its
publication. it is merely a compilation from hasty peneilings
to a friend, made during a voyage to, residence in, and return
from california. throughout this time, opportunities were presented
of witnessing disease under the difíerent forms in which
it exists, not only on the isthmus and near the latitude of the
equator, and in the course of the voyage, but at the mines,
where the health of so many is sacríñoed in the pursuit of gold.
to those who do not “ go down to the sea in ships,” and have
little knowledge of life in california, it may possess some interest.
it was thought that its publication at this time, might also
be a means of conveying some hints to the emigrant to that
distant part of our country, which might in some degree enable
him to overcome the evils with which he is menaced, not only
on his passage, but after he has taken up his abode at the mines.
with mis view to its utility, i will compress in as short a
space as possible, a few directions, many of which, though
diffused through the narrative, if. presented in a separate form,
will be more accessible, and combin'e bfòvity with perspicuity...