Rules and regulations
Whereas tlic guardians of the poor, within the city of
t philadelphia» district of southwark, and township of tho
northern liberties, having acquired, in pursuance of an act
of the general assembly, made and passed the twenty-ninth
day of march, in the year of our lord one thousand eight
hundred and three, the power of appointing eight persons of
their body, for the management of the house appropriated for
the reception of the poor; and it being necessary for the
support and government of the house aforesaid, that a revision
of the ordinances, rules and by-laws, now in force,
should take place, and that such further wholesome ordinances,
rules, and by4aws, he made and ordained as should
he found expedient: be it therefore ordained and enacted hj
the managers so appointed hj the said guardians of the voor^
hj and with the approbation of the chief justice and mtorney