Experiments and observations
"...but in this i would by no means be underftood
to be making an apology for what i
have done. i am far from confiderina: the
bufinefs of philofophy as a thing that is
cenforeable, or requiring any apology. on
the contrary, though i do not confider
thefe iludies as the firil in rank and value,
i think their importance is generally much
under-rated $ and i •'earneítly wiíh that
more attention was given to them by
thofe who have ability, leifure, and the
neceffary means for profecuting them. for
it muff be acknowledged that in thefe
iludies mere genius can do nothing without
the aid of wealth. indeed, fpeculatlon,
without experiment, has always beên the
bane of true philofophy."