Now showing items 21-30 of 30
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
Linguistics and politics in the early nineteenth century: prichard's moral philology
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
The third calling: ethnology or the unity of mankind in time and space
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
Moral insanity: a medical theory of the corruption of human nature
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
Enrivornmentalism and heredity: natural variety
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
The uses of mythology for the study of history
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
Physical anthropology: natural similarity
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
Conclusion: Prichard's after-life
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)
(Ingenta Connect, 3000)