Now showing items 1-10 of 719
Farmacopea oficial española / pharmacopoea hispana
(Matriti, 1797)
Archimedes, opera nonvlla a frederico commandino
(Paulum manutium, aidi f., 1558)
"rainutio farnesio cardinali amplissimo, et ottimo...."
Sanguis naturae
(A.r, 1696)
To the
upon my certain knowledge
that the author (who was
a german) and died in that country
^ and by whofe death thefe
tn oj and a third part, came there
to my hands ; which if thefe ...
Dissertation sur la nature et propagation
(Avec approbation & privilege du roi, 1744)
"e feu fe manifelte à nous pardes phènomenes fi diferentes, qu'il elt prelqu'auffi..."
Lettera quinta di...
(Giacomo dragonádli, 1663)
Accioche rela v.s. curiola per la relatione, come intendo di molti amici, chè hanno vedute alcune bagatelle nel mio studio, fatte per semplice, trattenimento di propia mia mano, non s'incomodi ancor ella venirui di persona, ...
Mercurys caducean rod
(W. pearson and sold by t. northcott, 1702)
"a general epistle to the reader, more
especially to those who are the true
inquirers äfter hermenick philosophy."
Mercurys caducean
(W. pearson and sold by t. northcott, 1702)
"a general epistle to the reader, more especially to those who are the true inquirers after hermetick philosophy."
The works of george berkeley
(The clarendon press, 1871)
"p r e f a c e.
it has often been remarked as singular that english
literature should possess no complete edition of the
works of bishop berkeley, and that no tolerable account
of the life of one of the greatest ...