História da Ciência: Submissões recentes
Itens para a visualização no momento 241-260 de 7753
Borbereitung zur waarenkunde, oder zur kentniss der vornehmsten auslândischen waaren
(Vandenhock und Ruprecht, 1794) -
Convention nationale projet de décret présenté au nom des comités de salut public, d'agriculture et de commerce
(Imprimé par order de la convention nationale, 1794) -
Ensaio economico sobre o comercio de Portugal e suas colonias
(Lisboa na oficina da mesma academia, 1794) -
Grundsätze der ökonomisch-politischen, oder Kameralwissenschaften
(C. F. Osiander, 1820) -
Statistik des oesterreichischen kaiserthums
(Schwickertschen Verlage, 1820) -
A letter to a noble lord, containing a new discovery of the scandalous and pernicious practice of running of goods from France, which has lately been cerried on beyond all exemple, to the great prejudice of his majesty's customs, and the the very great danger of bringing the P---- into these kingdoms
(Printed: and sold by Mrs. Johnson, at Mr. White's, a milliner; and by Mr. Jones, a perukemaker, 1755) -
Ordonnance de Louis XIV, roy de France et de Navarre, servant de reglement pour le commerce de marchands : donnee a Saint Germain en Laye, au mois d'avril 1673
(Chez les associez choisis par ordre de Sa Majeste, pour l'impression de ses nouvelles ordonnances, 1755) -
Der vernünftige kaufmann, oder, theoretische und practische grundsätze der handlung in und ausser Deutschland
(Georg Christ. Grund und Adam Heinr. Holle, 1755) -
Common sense: in a letter to a friend : to which is prefixed an explanatory preface : by the author of Ireland in tears
(Dublin printed: London reprinted by H. Shute Cox, 1755) -
Instituiçaõ da Companhia Geral do Graõ Pará, e Maranhaõ
(Na officina de Miguel Rodrigues, 1755)