História da Ciência: Submissões recentes
Itens para a visualização no momento 321-340 de 7753
The speeches of mr. Smith, of South Carolina, delivered in the Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States, in January, 1794, on the subject of certain commercial regulations, proposed by mr. Madison, in the committee of the whole, on the report of the secretary of state
(Philadelphia Printed, 1794) -
An account of the proceedings of the general quarterly court, held at the east India house, on wedsneday, the 19th instant. on shipping and other affairs.
(Printed by Messrs. Chapman, and co., 1794) -
Substance of the Speech of Earl Stanhope in the House of Lords on June 14th, 1849
(University of London, 1849) -
Resposta ás duas palavras do sr. Rio Tinto
(R.B. Duarte Bello, 1849) -
Réforme du crédit et du commerce: appel à tous les producteurs manufacturiers et agricoles
(Librairie sociétaire, 1849) -
Petits traités publiés par l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques
(Paris : Firmin-Didot, 1849) -
Wholesale & retail dealers in agricultural implements & machines [electronic resource] : and garden and field seeds.
(Goldsmiths-Kress library, 1849) -
Sistema ipotecario piemontese vol. i
(N/a, 1822-10-30) -
Remarks on the consuption of the public wealth by the clergn
(Effingham wilson, royal exchange, 1822) -
Reduction no robbery
(Cobbett's political register, 1822) -
Plan and tables of the british commercial company, cornhill - london
(Robson, Brooks, & Co. Printers, 1822) -
Observations sur un amendement
(Imprimerie de Guiraudet, 1822)