The reformed husband-man; or a brief treatise of the errors, defects, and inconveniences of our English husbandry, in ploughing and sowing for corn; with the reasons and general remedies; and a large, yet faithful offer or undertaking for the benefit of them that will joyn in this good and publick work: imparted some years ago to Mr. Samuel Hartlib; and now by him re-imparted to all ingenuous English-men, that are willing to advance the prosperity, wealth and plenty of their native countrey | Hartlib, Samuel | |
dc.coverage.spatial | London | pt_BR | | 2022-01-23T13:55:42Z | | | 2022-01-23T13:55:42Z | | | 1651 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | pt_BR |
dc.publisher | Printed by J. C. | pt_BR |
dc.title | The reformed husband-man; or a brief treatise of the errors, defects, and inconveniences of our English husbandry, in ploughing and sowing for corn; with the reasons and general remedies; and a large, yet faithful offer or undertaking for the benefit of them that will joyn in this good and publick work: imparted some years ago to Mr. Samuel Hartlib; and now by him re-imparted to all ingenuous English-men, that are willing to advance the prosperity, wealth and plenty of their native countrey | pt_BR |
dc.type | Impresso | pt_BR |