Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Physiological disquisitions
(J. rivington and sons, st. paul's church-yard, g. ploeinsok, paternofter-row, d. prince, oxford, meit. merries, cambridge, w. keymer,mrs. drummond, edinburgh; and w. watson, dublin., 1781)
To the right honourable
charles jenkinson, esq.
secretary at war, and of od his majesty's most honourable privy council...
Experiments and observations
(J. johnson, 1779)
"...but in this i would by no means be underftood
to be making an apology for what i
have done. i am far from confiderina: the
bufinefs of philofophy as a thing that is
cenforeable, or requiring any apology. on
the ...